My little bunny is 9 months old.. OH EM G.
They all tell you not to blink… seriously, blinking is not an option with this precious girl. She is her dad made over. Full of energy and life, stubborn, silly, happy, sweet, gentle and intuitive. We are “thriving” and literally 2 teeth just appeared last night. It’s like she knew she better get to work on those teeth or eating her snack puffs was going to prove difficult for a lot longer!
Being a mom to this poptart is the loveliest and hardest thing I have ever done. I think she teaches me more than I will ever teach her. She has pushed me to the farthest boundaries.
I love the smacking sound you make on your pacifier while you sleep. I love that you share your pacifier with me and daddy 🙂 I love how excited you get when you see Mickey Mouse. I love how relaxed you are when we go for walks. I love how you giggle and crawl right to all your favorite people when they walk in the door. And I LOVE having style sessions with you each and everyday!
You have made my life complete little girl. I now know the true meaning of being content.
Outfit Details Bunny Top and Bloomers | Gold Metallic Bunny Shoes | Flower Crown
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